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The CIPD reports that one employee in four is actively seeking another job. That is a serious blow to the productivity and effectiveness of any organisation. If an employee is actively job seeking then performance in their current job has ceased to be a priority. They may also be spreading disenchantment among others.

Interestingly past research has shown that the vast majority of job-leavers are pushed into leaving by their employers rather than pulled by rich fruits offered elsewhere.

It is tempting to shrug shoulders and employers often do feel some relief when an uncommitted employee leaves. But if the employee is to be replaced then all the costs of recruitment in time, expense and re-training are incurred. Coupled with this is the risk that the new employee may not, once in post, prove any more committed than the previous one. Employers who can avoid the “induction crisis” (where a new employee leaves within 4 months) steal a march on those who cannot. But the greatest march is stolen by those who only need to replace due to promotions or amicable departures.

If you depend on customers, clients and service users for your business then the loss of continuity can lose these or at least damage your reputation.

The buzz-word answer today is engagement. When I first started work the buzz-word was motivation. There is a subtle but important difference.

Motivation is something that the employer creates in the employee; it is an external application. Motivated employees are likely to perform well, follow your bidding and be productive.

Engagement comes from within the individual employee, it is an internal drive. Engaged employees are committed, perform well and are productive but they also go the extra mile. And if your bidding is mis-directed they are likely to warn you rather than go blindly on.

Small wonder now that engagement is the holy grail of major companies not just in the UK but around the English speaking world.

If you want to create engaged employees then we would love to work with you to help achieve that aim.