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Know and communicate your business purpose

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it,” Simon Sinek

If you want employees to buy in to your business purpose then you have to know what that purpose is and communicate it to employees. If they know what the business is trying to achieve, and why, then they can buy into it. Keep repeating the message and they will evaluate everything they do against that aim. Employees will then be more effective and need less supervision.

Listen to employees to get them on side.

Happy employees talk positively about your products and services. Unfortunately, British workers are among the most stressed and least productive in Europe. One starting point, to get employees on side, is to listen to them. We come across some excellent business-owner salespeople who really know how to listen – to the customer. The value of listening to employees should not be overlooked.

Be good to work for

Of course you are good to work for, but do employees agree? Cheerful employees also encourage others to come and work for you, easing recruitment challenges. What is more, if you have a good induction programme then they will stay with you. There is more to engaged employee than pay rates: flexibility; clear direction and reporting relationships; degrees of autonomy; realistic targets; sharing in business achievements; are all ways of increasing employees’ contribution and commitment without increasing the salary bill. And, if you really want to know what your employees think, then let us do an employee survey.

Tackle absent employees

Long term sickness is delicate to handle. The answer is to have a plan, with some fall back positons if more information becomes available. Above all, the trick is to follow through that plan to the end. You will find some employees will return, others you may have to lose. The 50:50 point (return versus leave) arises at about 12 week’s absence. It is best, therefore, to tackle absences early on.

Pick out the bad apples

Bad habits and attitudes can be contagious, especially if diligent employees feel no-one notices. Picking out unsatisfactory or un-committed employees doesn’t necessarily mean dismissing them. In practice, 90% of unsatisfactory behaviour can be remedied just by showing you are serious about tackling it. If you are frightened that your actions may lead to you ending up in an employment tribunal then talk to us.