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The latest CIPD Absence survey emphasises the need for an employees direct manager to manage attendance, but that such managers lack the tools to do so.

In the survey employers saw managers taking prime responsibility for managing attendance as being a highly effective approach. Other steps that might be taken include:-

  1. Providing sickness absence reporting information.
    There are several low cost HR software systems available on the market and one in particular used by our clients, which they are finding effective.
  2. Training managers in return to work interviews
    This is one area of training where the savings can be seen as such interviews are proven to be effective in managing short term, intermittent absence.
  3. Training managers to manage long term ill health issues. Depending on the size of the organisation, employers may want to manage this at a senior level.
    It involves being aware of the occupational health support options that can assist an employee in returning to work. Statistics show that an employee who has been absent for 12 weeks has a less than 50% chance of returning to the workplace. So tackling matters early is important.
  4. Awareness of stress. Again, employers may want to manage this at a senior level.
    Identifying employees who are under stress provides the opportunity to nip that type of absence in the bud, so to speak. Signs of stress include changes in behaviour, poor morale, negative or dysfunctional behaviour. High absenteeism among employees in a particular section can also be an indicator. Stress can arise from workloads beyond an individual’s capability, demands beyond an individual’s capability, bullying, multiple reporting relationships and ambiguity in a job role. Spotting and addressing stress can have a major effect on businesses with higher than usual absence levels.