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The benefits of cycling to work are well established: greater alertness, better health and improved mood. Increasingly it is also being linked to better mental health.

A recent survey identifies Lancaster as the best cycling city in the UK, slightly ahead of Exeter and with London the worst of 39 cities! Great news for employers in Lancaster…

The survey focusses on matters such as air pollution and accident statistics.
In Lancaster there is largely level, mainly traffic free access to the M6 Park and Ride, the railway station, the Town centres of Lancaster and Morecambe, the University, its business parks and the White Lund Industrial area. The need to ride up hills or in traffic is minimal.

We’ve looked at the payback for encouraging cycling to work before and provided further tips here.

Of course, there are other forms of physical activity proving similar benefits. But when it comes to cycling, Lancaster has hit the UK jackpot!

Malcolm Martin FCIPD

Author Human Resource Practice

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